Thursday, January 22, 2009

UW-Madison SAA student chapter featured in the January MAC Newsletter

In the most recent issue of the MAC Newsletter, there's an article titled, "Digging through the Archives: A Student Chapter's Heritage." The article describes the UW-Madison SAA student chapter's fundraising activities over the years, including the now famous "history of the paperclip" t-shirt, the Archivist Cookbook, and other t-shirt designs.

The article isn't available online, but you should find your copy (or a colleague's) and flip to pages 30-31 in the January issue to read a great article by Katie Scanlan and other past and present chapter leaders.

And look out for the second installment of the article, "Digging through the Archives: A Student Chapter's Bright Future."

Friday, January 9, 2009

Monthly Brown Bag

Every month, Madison archivists and librarians meet informally to discuss one or two scholarly works chosen by someone in the group. It has proven a great opportunity to exchange ideas about topics that affect libraries and archives and to get to know others in the profession. Everyone is welcome! We would like to expand the circle and encourage students and individuals from other disciplines to join in the discussion. So if you know anyone who might be interested, tell them to come! The discussion takes place as a Brown Bag, so bring your lunch!

This month’s Brown Bag will take place on Thursday January 29th, from noon until 1 pm in the SLIS Commons.

Peter Gottlieb, Director of the Library-Archives Division at the Wisconsin Historical Society, will lead the discussion on:

Protocols for Native American Archival Materials

by the First Archivists Circle (a group of 18 archivists from across the U.S.)


“Pluralizing the Archival Paradigm: Can Archival Education in
Pacific Rim Communities Address the Challenge?”

By: Anne Gilliland, Sue McKemmish, Kelvin White, Yang Lu, and Andrew Lau
American Archivist (Vol. 71, no. 1, Spring/Summer, 2008), pp. 87-117
(A copy of this should be available in the UW-Madison, School of Library and Information Studies Library)

If anyone has questions or needs directions, please contact either Abbie Norderhaug at or Jennifer Graham at

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome to Madison Archivists!

I've lived in Madison for a little over two years, and I'm continually amazed by the great group of archivists I've met here, and the many interesting things they're doing, both inside and outside of their work lives. Oddly enough, aside from the archivists and archives students with whom I work, I've met very few of the other archivists who work and live in the Madison area. And of the few I have met, I've met most of them at conferences outside of Madison. Surely, I thought, the archival community in Madison could be strengthened by creating a forum to meet other local archivists and to share information of interest to archivists in the Madison area.

This blog is a forum for all things of interest to archivists in Madison. It's a place to share information, new stories, post events, and to meet your neighbors and fellow archivists. This blog is whatever we decide to make it, and I welcome your contributions!

Note: This blog is not officially sanctioned by any archival organizations or institutions, in Madison or elsewhere. The information and opinions expressed herein are those of the individuals who make them, and not of any organizations to which they might be affiliated.